About Us
Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc. was founded in 1984 as a boutique alternative investment management firm dedicated to serving the needs of pensions, endowments, foundations, institutions and high net worth individuals.
The firm is recognized by many as a leading expert in the closed-end fund industry. Prior to founding the firm, Tom Herzfeld wrote the first textbook on the asset class (The Investor's Guide to Closed-End Funds: The Herzfeld Hedge, (McGraw-Hill, 1979)). In addition, the firm created, and continues to produce, the industry benchmark: The Herzfeld Closed-End Average, which has been published weekly in Barron's since 1987.
Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc. uses this extensive knowledge and experience to identify unique opportunities that are generally overlooked by other investors with a primary focus on the preservation of client capital.